
Straighten your teeth.

Triadent dental

About invisalign

A modern, beautiful, and healthy way to straighten teeth.

You are likely familiar with traditional braces. They utilize metal brackets, bonded to the teeth, with a wire connecting them. Invisalign is an entirely different concept. This technique straightens teeth with a series of removable, transparent, plastic aligners. They fit snugly over your teeth, in a manner similar to an orthodontic retainer. The entire course of treatment is planned digitally. Each aligner moves your teeth a little bit closer to the optimal position, which takes two weeks. When you are finished with an aligner, you simply dispose of it and begin wearing the next one in the series.

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Triadent dental

The Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign is well-known as the discrete alternative to braces.

The aligners are clear and very thin, so most people never notice them.

  • The aligners contain no metal. They are made of biocompatible, BPA-free, transparent plastic resin.
  • Traditional braces increase your risk of tooth decay and even gum disease during treatment because it is difficult to remove all plaque around the brackets. With removable aligners, you can brush and floss easily, and efficiently.
  • There are no dietary restrictions because aligners are removed during meals.
  • Straighten your teeth at your convenience. Enjoy hassle-free oral hygiene, and less frequent dental appointments than traditional braces require.
  • Crooked or crowded teeth create tight spaces that can trap harmful bacteria, plaque, and tartar. Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean, improving oral and overall health.
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How long does Invisalign treatment take?
The average treatment lasts about 8-12 months. The length will depend upon the complexity of the case – the nature of the problem, age and the level of commitment of the patient, etc. Some people start seeing results in just a few weeks. Younger people usually do better/faster than older ones. A gap between teeth can take as little as two months to correct, while it can take up to 8 months or longer to fix crooked or crowded teeth. The results of Invisalign treatment are comparable to braces. Our Ottawa dentists will be happy to evaluate your specific case and suggest a treatment plan with a more detailed timeline.
Will Invisalign affect my lifestyle?
How do I take care of the aligners